BS2.01 Introduction to the Neuroplasticity Model

This class covers the major changes in neuroscience over the past 20 years and highlights the differences between basic science and clinical science.

This class covers the major changes in neuroscience over the past twenty years. It highlights the differences between basic science and clinical science, and why both types of research are important. It also reiterates what patient-focused, evidence-informed chiropractic care is.

About Instructor

Dr Heidi Haavik

Dr Heidi Haavik, PhD, is the founder of Haavik Research, a chiropractor and a neurophysiologist who has worked in the area of human neurophysiology since the early 2000s. She is a sought-after international speaker about the science of chiropractic care.

71 Classes

+2210 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Class Includes

  • 6 Lessons
  • 6 Quizzes
  • Class Certificate