Learning the Science of Chiropractic Just got Easier!

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“ChirosHub provides that just right balance, between the the complex subject matter and simplified explanation, needed in order to be the credible, effective and exciting teaching platform that you and your patients so need!”

Meet your Instructor

With 20+ years as a chiropractor, researcher, and neurophysiologist working in the area of human neurophysiology. 

It is my mission to enlighten the world about the science of chiropractic.

Let me help grow your knowledge through science.

Dr. Heidi Haavik

    Basic Science

  1. BS1.01 The Many Models of the Chiropractic Subluxation
  2. BS1.02 The Brain Model of the Chiropractic Subluxation
  3. BS1.03 Your first visit to a Chiropractor
  4. BS1.04 Your first adjustment
  5. BS1.05 How Stress Affects your Health
  6. BS1.07 Spinal Function affects Brain Function
  7. BS1.08 Adjustments Improve Strength
  8. BS1.09 The Prefrontal Cortex and Cerebellum
  9. BS1.10 How to Explain Pain
  10. BS1.11 Chiropractic and Pain
  11. BS2.01 Introduction to the Neuroplasticity Model
  12. BS2.02 Two Models of the Vertebral Subluxation
  13. BS2.03 The Neurophysiology of the Subluxation
  14. BS2.04 Chiropractic Adjustments affect the Prefrontal Cortex
  15. BS2.05 The Impact of Stress on the Brain and Health
  16. BS2.06 Communicating Chiropractic’s impact on the Brain
  17. BS2.07 Pain is created in the Brain
  18. BS2.08 Understanding Chronic Pain
  19. BS2.09 Connection between Stress, Pain, Sleep and Mental Health
  20. BS2.10 The Brain, Pain and the Neuroplastic Effects of Chiropractic Care
  21. BS2.11 The Somatosensory Neuroplastic effects of Chiropractic Care
  22. BS2.12 The Motor Control effects of Chiropractic Care
  23. Clinical Science

  24. CS1.01 Communicating Chiropractic Science
  25. CS1.02 The Safety of Chiropractic Care
  26. CS1.04 Lower Back Pain and Neck Pain
  27. CS1.05 Headaches and Migraines
  28. CS1.06 The Benefits of Chiropractic Care
  29. CS2.01 Chiropractic Care and Lower Back Pain
  30. CS2.02 Chiropractic Care and Neck Pain
  31. CS2.03 Chiropractic Care for Headaches and Migraines
  32. CS2.04 The Safety of Chiropractic Care
  33. CS2.05 Safety of Chiropractic Care for Kids and Babies
  34. CS2.06 The Opioid Crisis
  35. CS2.07 Chiropractic Care and Stroke Risk
  36. CS2.08 Clinical indicators of vertebral subluxations
  37. CS2.09 How Often Should You See Your Patients
  38. CS2.11 Chiropractic Care and Colic
  39. CS2.12 Chiropractic Care and Enuresis
  40. Neuroscience

  41. NS1.01 Neurobiology of the Neuron
  42. NS1.02 Neurobiology of the Glial Cells
  43. Research Methods

  44. RM1.01 Introduction to Research Methodology
  45. RM1.02 Ethics in Research
  46. RM1.03 Evidence-Based Chiropractic
  47. RM1.04 Key Research Terminology
  48. RM1.05 Introduction to Different Research Designs
  49. RM1.06 Patient-Reported Outcome Measures
  50. RM1.07 Introduction to Experimental Designs
  51. RM1.08 How to do a Literature Search
  52. RM1.09 Introduction to Critical Evaluation
  53. RM1.11 How many participants you need for your study
  54. RM2.01 Science and Research for the Profession
  55. RM2.02 A Closer look at Critical Evaluation
  56. RM2.03 Writing for Academic Purposes
  57. RM2.04 A Closer look at evidence-based Chiropractic
  58. RM2.05 Gathering Scientific Evidence for a Report of Findings
  59. RM2.06 Observational Study Design
  60. RM2.08 Cross-sectional Studies
  61. RM2.12 How to write a Case Study
  62. RM3.01 A Closer Look at Experimental Designs
  63. RM3.02 Introduction to Randomized Control Trials
  64. RM3.03 A Closer Look at Randomized Controlled Trials
  65. RM3.04 Systematic Reviews
  66. RM3.05 Meta-analysis
  67. RM3.06 Narrative Reviews
  68. RM3.09 Working with your Supervisor on your Research Project
  69. RM3.10 Writing a Literature Review
  70. RM3.11 Writing a Research Proposal
  71. RM3.12 Writing and Presenting a Research Project
  72. Statistics

  73. SC1.01 Introduction to Biostatistics
  74. SC1.02 Basic Descriptive Analysis

Basic Science

Online classes – 16

Each Basic Science class contains the latest scientific information about mechanisms. About what things are, and how things work relevant to chiropractic care.

Level ONE

For junior chiropractic students or chiropractic assistants who have not yet gained any in-depth knowledge about anatomy, physiology, or pathology.

Learn the facts about why good spinal function is so important, what happens when we adjust the spine, the detrimental impacts of stress and trauma, the important role of brain mal-adaptations in chronic pain, and how chiropractic care can improve strength and alter the prefrontal cortex and cerebellum function.

Level TWO

Aimed at those who have gained some knowledge about anatomy, physiology, pathology, neuroscience and research methodology, and science in general.

Dive deeper into what localized areas of spinal dysfunction (also known as vertebral subluxations) are. Learn about these central segmental motor control problems that lead to ongoing maladaptive central plastic changes, making it harder for the brain to accurately perceive what is happening inside the body and around it, why they occur and how this impacts health, brain (prefrontal cortex in particular), pain and function.


Aimed at a higher cognitive level including analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of anatomy, physiology, pathology, neuroscience, and research publications.

Learn how the CNS and the immune system interact, and the role of the spine in impacting these systems. Learn about the way that chiropractic high-velocity, low-amplitude thrusts at dysfunctional spinal segments enable the brain to more efficiently produce more force. How to monitor brain health with HRV and the impact on the Cerebellum and learn about what we know about the effects of different chiropractic techniques.


  1. Effect of spinal function and dysfunction on the brain (Coming Soon)
  2. The central nervous system (CNS) and immune system (Coming Soon)
  3. CNS, Chiropractic and the Immune System (Coming Soon)
  4. Strength increases with chiropractic adjustments (Coming Soon)
  5. Heart Rate Variability I (Coming Soon)
  6. Heart Rate Variability II (Coming Soon)
  7. Chiropractic and the Cerebellum I (Coming Soon)
  8. Physiology of manual muscle testing (Coming Soon)
  9. Basic Science of Applied Physiology (Coming Soon)
  10. Basic Science of Activator (Coming Soon)

“It was interesting to know how the stress can impact on our brain. Also the example of hand, wrist, fingers to explain the brain parts with its function was really helpful for making the patients understand easily.”

“As a stand-alone course, I feel empowered to have meaningful conversations regarding chiropractic’s role in a salutogenic health care model. As an introduction to the clinical science series, I’m absolutely thrilled about the future lessons.”

“Found this very helpful on how to refine my search and find the articles I need! Thanks 🙂”

“Some helpful tips to help with data analysis for my case studies. Thanks”

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I became aware of your ChirosAcademy yesterday. What a gift for our profession. It is absolutely fantastic! I already took the first module yesterday night. Just magnificent, well written, well presented, score 12/10… Congratulations. Your work is extraordinary, your energy and attitude absolutely remarkable.

Dr André-Marie Gonthier
