NS1.01 Neurobiology of the Neuron

56 Minutes - The basics of one of the two main cell types found in the nervous system.

This class covers the basics of one of the two main cell types found in the nervous system, namely the neuron. There are many different types of neurons and many ways to classify them. This class will cover some of the ways neuroscientists classify neurons. You will also learn about the basic features of neurons and you will learn a bit about what is found inside neurons. This class also covers the fundamentals of histology, which is a way of viewing neurons and their cellular components.

About Instructor

Dr Heidi Haavik

Dr Heidi Haavik, PhD, is the founder of Haavik Research, a chiropractor and a neurophysiologist who has worked in the area of human neurophysiology since the early 2000s. She is a sought-after international speaker about the science of chiropractic care.

71 Classes

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Class Includes

  • 7 Lessons
  • 7 Quizzes
  • Class Certificate