BS2.08 Understanding Chronic Pain

This class will cover how best to communicate the latest contemporary understanding of what chronic pain is and how it develops.

This class will cover how best to communicate the latest contemporary understanding of what chronic pain is and how it develops. We will also cover the key take-home messages from the clinical literature on chiropractic and pain – how to communicate what we know from the research literature about the benefits of chiropractic care for back pain, neck pain, and headaches.

About Instructor

Dr Heidi Haavik

Dr Heidi Haavik, PhD, is the founder of Haavik Research, a chiropractor and a neurophysiologist who has worked in the area of human neurophysiology since the early 2000s. She is a sought-after international speaker about the science of chiropractic care.

71 Classes

+2101 enrolled
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Class Includes

  • 7 Lessons
  • 7 Quizzes
  • Class Certificate