Neuroscience Level 1
Level 1 is for junior chiropractic students or chiropractic assistants and aims to increase knowledge and comprehension to aid patient-focused, evidence-informed chiropractic practice. Major advances in neuroscience knowledge have come about over the past several decades, so maintaining an up-to-date knowledge base is essential.
NS1.01 Neurobiology of the Neuron
56 Minutes – The basics of one of the two main cell types found in the nervous system.
NS1.02 Neurobiology of the Glial Cells
93 minutes – Be able to discuss the anatomy and function of the most common glial cells.
NS1.03 The Nerve Cell Membrane
48 minutes – this class details how the brain functions and the mechanisms behind nerve impulses.
NS1.04 The Action Potential
42 minutes – gain a solid grasp of the action potential’s role in our nervous system.
NS1.05 The Synapse
50 minutes – Understand the fundamentals of the synapse
NS1.06 Cortical Anatomy
66 minutes – the layers of complexity surrounding the cerebral cortex.
NS1.07 Sensory Processing and Integration
60 minutes – a deep dive into the realm of Sensory Processing Integration.
NS1.08 Neural Plasticity
49 minutes – the cellular mechanisms that underpin neural plasticity
NS1.09 Neurotransmitters
61 minutes – a comprehensive overview over the different types of neurotransmitters there are.
NS1.10 The Prefrontal Cortex
63 minutes – a nexus of neurological brilliance that shapes the very essence of our human experience.
NS1.11 The Somatosensory System and Tracts
72 minutes – a concise yet comprehensive look at how our bodies perceive and transmit sensory information.
NS1.12 The Meninges of the Brain and Spinal Cord
44 minutes – the mysteries surrounding the protective membranes of the brain and spinal cord.
NS1.13 Motor Control and the Corticospinal Tract
64 mins – a crucial superhighway that links your cerebral cortex to your spinal cord
NS1.14 The Muscle Fiber and Neuromuscular Junction
49 minutes – learn about the anatomy of skeletal muscles down to the individual muscle fibers
NS1.15 Proprioception and Reflexes
50 minutes – how your body navigates the world with precision.
NS1.16 Pain The Danger Warning System
78 minutes – the complex world of pain.
NS1.19 Cranial Nerves
54 minutes – the anatomy and functions of the twelve cranial nerves.
NS1.25 The Cerebellum
72 minutes – learn about the major anatomical divisions of the cerebellum.
NS1.30 The Neurobiology of Stress and Trauma
61 minutes – understand the impact of stress and trauma on the human brain and body.
NS1.31 The Neuroimmune Connection
72 minutes – interaction between nervous system and immune system.